
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
post-stroke me: New and Improved or Just the New Normal
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
Tuesday Sep 22, 2015
After my stroke. I was no longer the
person I was before. There was a new me.
But was I new and improved or had I just reached a new normal, A lesser me?
I think the answer to
this important question will arrive over time,
As I continue to work on my physical and cognitive skills the I believe the new me will reveal himself.
While my stroke was debilitating it's
clear that although some of my abilities have been impaired I have grown and
improved in certain other areas of my life. Unfortunately, it is hard for me to
see these areas.
However, I do know that Ineed to recognize the positives changes in myself from this terrible event,
Because even though they are difficult for me to see, they do exist.
Recently, and very slowly I am beginning to understand that it really Doesn’t matter if my post stroke self
is new and improvedor bigger and better. What really matters is that the post-stroke me
Is still me. I am essentially the same person I was before my strokes. I can still talk and laugh with my friends and
I still enjoy and find pleasure in those things that made me happy before the strokes
Thanks for listening . Please join me next month for more notes on strokes at www.apieceofmymind.net